Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Message to All Snobs

Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to deliver them on the day of the LORD'S wrath; And all the earth will be devoured In the fire of His jealousy, For He will make a complete end, Indeed a terrifying one, Of all the inhabitants of the earth. Zephaniah 1:18

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Crime Deterrent

Another state has banned the death penalty.


Whether you support that move or not, the fact remains that crime is rampant in America and is affecting people from all walks of life. It's not just "their problem", it's our problem as Americans.

Don't wait until you, a family member, or friend is a victim of crime. Take a stand now.!!!

Saturday, December 08, 2007


Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Yet another senseless tragedy in America from another lost, neglected, and troubled soul. The price of helping someone like this is far cheaper than the aftermath of that person's potential destruction of innocent life. If you know someone like this, please help them.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Treat Others Fairly

When it is in your power, don't withhold good from the one to whom it is due. Don't say to your neighbor, "Go Away! Come back later. I'll give it tomorrow" - when it is there with you. Proverbs 3:27 - 28.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The End of the Age

So it will be at the end of the age. The angels will go out, separate the evil people from the righteous, and throw them into the blazing furnace. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 13:49-50.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Fear God

Don't fear those who kill the body but are not able to kill the soul; rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Matthew 10:28

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Be Alert

Remember therefore what you have received and heard; keep it, and repent. But if you are not alert, I will come like a thief, and you have no idea at what hour I will come against you. Revelation 3:3

Monday, November 12, 2007

I am An American

Do you remember the TV Ads that appeared after 9/11 that featured Americans of different colors and creeds from around the country? It served as a very unifying theme for America in that time of crisis. As we move closer to election 2008 - it might be time to reintroduce that Ad or a similar themed campaign to help unify this nation.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Time to March

A few weeks ago, people from all over the nation marched in Jena, Louisiana. While I understand and empathize with their reasons for marching, I long for a day when people of all races, backgrounds, and political affiliations will "hit the streets" to protest child abuse, pornography, drug use, violence, and other societal ills.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Keep Your Head Up!!!

Rejoice always! Pray constantly. Give thanks in everything, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. Don't stifle the Spirit. Don't despise prophecies, but test all things. Hold on to what is good. Stay away from every form of evil. Thessalonians 5: 16 - 22.

Friday, October 19, 2007

False Prophets

Beware of false prophets - those who always tend to preach gloom and doom - knowing that their very "prophecy" is the catalyst behind misfortune and mayhem.

Spiritual Armor

In every situation take the shield of faith, and with it you will be able to extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is God's Word. Ephesians 6:6-17.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Giants and Infants

"Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than about peace, more about killing than we know about living." - General Omar Bradley

Thursday, September 06, 2007


Little children, guard yourselves from idols. 1 John, 5:21.

Positive Powers

Now to which of the angels has He ever said: Sit at My right hand until I make Your enemies Your footstool. Are they not all ministering spirits sent our to serve those who are going to inherit salvation? Heberews, 1:13-14.

Do No Evil

For the one who wants to love life and to see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit, and he must turn away from evil and do good. He must seek peace and pursue it, because the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are open to their request. But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil. Peter, 3:10-12.

No Fear

Do Not fear what they fear or be disturbed..........

Monday, August 06, 2007

Christian Warfare

Finally, be strengthened by the Lord and by His vast strength. Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the tactics of the Devil. For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens. This is why you must take up the full armor of God, so that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having prepared everything, to take your stand. Ephesians 6:10-13,

Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Cornerstone

The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. Psalm 118:22.

Monday, July 16, 2007

The Command

This is what I command you: love one another. John 15:17

Jesus Prays for All Believers

I pray not only for these, but also for those who believe in Me through their message. May they all be one, as You, Father, are in Me and I am in You. May they also be one in Us, so the world may believe You sent Me. John 17:20 - 21.

I was born for this!

..."You say that I'm a king," Jesus replied. "I was born for this, and I have come into the world for this: to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to My voice." John 18:37

Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Light

The light will be with you only a little longer. Walk while you have the light so that darkness doesn't overtake you. The one who walks in darkness doesn't know where he's going. While you have the light, believe in the light so that you may become sons of light. John 12:35

The Praise of Men

For they loved praise from men more than praise from God. John 12:43

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Monsters In Our Midst

Drug Users and Dealers, Sexually Perverse, Mentally Deranged, the Selfish, the Greedy, and the Lazy.

Monday, May 21, 2007

The Narrow Gate

Enter through the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the road is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who go through it. How narrow is the gate and difficult the road that leads to life, and few find it. Matthew 7:13 - 14

Sunday, March 18, 2007

True Strength

"How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these." George Washington Carver

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Human Potential

We preach against sin, but have we ever developed the anger of God when it relates to lost human potential? Have we ever looked at human lives and felt our hearts break, not because of the sins committed but because of the potential left unattended? - - - - - Erwin Raphael McManus

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


"If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won before you have started." - Marcus Garvey

Something Else to Think About

When you control a man's thinking you do not have to worry about his actions. You do not have to tell him not to stand here or go yonder. He will find his "proper place" and will stay in it. You do not need to send him to the back door. He will go without being told. In fact, if there is no back door, he will cut one for his special benefit. His education makes it necessary."
-- Dr. Carter G. Woodson,

The Real Issues

As we move towards election 2008, it seems that the powers-that-be are again committed to sweeping the "real issuses" under the rug so that they can instead focus on a set of pseudo issues. As a result of this, a large percentage of eligible voters will again elect to stay at home on election night. What an interesting strategy!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Pagan Nation

I went to P.F. Chang's last night to pick up an order of Wonton Soup. On my way out, I noticed that an old lady was approaching so I held the door for her. She thanked me, peered in, and then decided to not go in. However, she asked if she "could borrow my arm" as she stepped down from the curb and into a car that was waiting for her. After assisting her, I felt really, really good inside and couldn't wait until I shared my experience with someone.

However, I was really stunned and dismayed later that night after reading that two women (101 and 85 years old) were recently mugged in New York City - possibly by the same man. Our nation is spiralling more and more out of control by the minute.