Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Let Us Not Forget

Let’s not forget racism and hatred in America, the Phoenix serial killings, child pornography, Oklahoma City, Columbine, James Byrd, Matthew Shephard, and little JonBenet.

Let’s not forget movie, television, and video game violence. Let’s not forget teen pregnancy, juvenile violence, and the shortcomings of public and private secondary education.

Let’s not forget historical and modern day slavery, the near extermination of Native Americans, and Jim Crowe. Let’s not forget drug addiction, the drug trade, and crack babies. Let’s not forget AIDS, Diabetes, Sickle Cell Anemia, Cancer, and Heart Disease.

Let us not become self-righteous and hypocritical. America has been slowly decaying from within for some time now.

The President and others have spoken of “America’s Resolve, Determination, and Strength”. While we must draw upon these qualities to strike back at the external evil, let us also use these qualities to strike down and eradicate the internal evil.

If we strike back at the external enemy, but continue to largely ignore the social and moral cancers eating at us from within, we will be viewed as hypocrites by many in the global community. This perceived hypocrisy will fuel hatred in the hearts of many nations and individuals throughout the world and the cycle of violence will never end.

Some have spoke of Americans becoming stronger. We challenge Americans to become stronger in action – not just words. While our military fights against the external forces of evil, Christians in America should unite to fight our internal evils. We should share a commitment to protecting and aiding our children, the elderly, the environment, the disabled, and others in need. We must show love and respect to our fellow man regardless of their race, nationality, gender, religion, or social status.

Take this opportunity to eschew vices such as illicit drugs, cigarettes, drunkenness, and promiscuity. Take this opportunity to commit yourself to personal development in the areas of spirituality and healthy living. Begin to think logically and rationally and to seek input, advice, and counsel from others. If you do this, my fellow humans, we will not only become a stronger nation; we will become stronger in the body of Christ.

Remember that no matter how important, wealthy, or happy someone may be – it can all end in less than a “blink of the eye”.


Monday, August 07, 2006

The Devils Toolbox

Racism, Greed, Jealousy, Perversion, Lust, Murder, War, and Apathy.

Holy Discontent

I clipped this from the paper earlier this year: "Discontent is when you see something bad on television, you say, "Someone should do something about that, then you change the channel. Holy discontent is when you see something bad on television, God grabs you by your heart. You say, I can do something about that". You stand up, turn off the TV and you go out into the world and work towards a solution, ".......... "Develop the audacity to think you can change the world"!

The origin

It's been almost eight years since I felt the inspiration for "GodsWarriors". Although I have had several false starts over the years regarding this concept, I am finally convinced that the time is right to re-launch. Given the current state of our world, it is time for the good people of the world to join forces to combat the forces of evil. While I believe that this movement can be one of the last, if not the last great religious movement (LGRM), I also know that I can't do it alone.

I also acknowledge that we will not be successful without the involvement of strong, intelligent, genuine, and supportive women. As the saying goes, behind (I prefer beside) every great man is a good or great woman!!!! Thank you for your support.